World Cleaning Day 2022

Living in a clean, safe environment makes our life better, and healthier and to keep environment clean we must take responsibilities and do our part.

On World Cleaning Day Veshisaafu organized a cleaning event with the help of the Nature Park and cleaned the biosphere reserved area “Veherafanna” and collected 4000 plastic bottles. The energetic team of Nature Park joined and did a great job by helping us.

Living in a clean, safe environment makes our life better, and healthier and to keep environment clean we must take responsibilities and do our part.

On World Cleaning Day Veshisaafu organized a cleaning event with the help of the Nature Park and cleaned the biosphere reserved area “Veherafanna” and collected 4000 plastic bottles. The energetic team of Nature Park joined and did a great job by helping us.

Rubbish Bags

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